QR Payment

QR Payment is an alternative payment method that enables the payment of the amount by deducting from the card balances in shopping made from contracted merchants. Through OTS 2.x, our business partners offer their customers the opportunity to make digital payments with QR/Q code in the chain store cash registers.

In Chain Stores, prepaid card users can use their cards as a means of payment. The previously loaded balances are used for payment through the QR Code on the application, using QR Readers working integrated with the cash register hardware.

Through OTSPlatfom, our business partners offer their customers the opportunity to pay with QR or Q Code in the chain store we integrate.

QR Payment Examples

In all Sok Stores, users can use Paye Cards in the Paycell mobile application as a payment tool. OTSPlatform made Paycell available in chain markets and there are many companies that we are currently in the integration phase.

Thousands of QR payments are made in chain stores every day.

Loading Balance in E-Wallet

The process of depositing money on prepaid cards belonging to leading payment institutions is carried out through the OTSPlatform via cash registers.

Loading balance to the prepaid cards of leading payment institutions is carried out through the OTSPlatform via cash registers, in chain stores all over Turkey.

In Chain Stores, the process of loading money on prepaid cards of payment institutions is carried out through OTS 2.x through cash registers. Every day, thousands of prepaid cards are loaded in the chain stores.

Loading Balance in E-Wallet Examples

Invoice Payment

Through OTSPlatform, customers who want to pay the 3rd party corporate invoice can pay in chain stores.

Electricity, Water, Natural Gas, Telephone, GSM Operator and hundreds of other invoice payments take place in chain store through OTS Platform.

With OTSPlatform customers, have the opportunity to pay their invoices quickly and easily in every part of Turkey.

In chain stores, invoice payments can be made quickly and easily, total transaction amount of invoice payment usage increases day by day.

Invoice Payment Examples

Money Transfer

With Money Transfer module of OTSPlatform, users can transfer money from chain stores in 81 cities, without the need for a bank account, during hours when the stores are open. In the first step, the cashier receives customers’ mobile phone number, name, surname and TC identification number information. Money transfer process is completed with this information. In order to withdraw money sent by name, controls are made on the recipient’s side with the OTP and TC identification number. Then the money can withdrawn.

Money transfer can be done to any IBAN number or credit card from chain stores. In Money Transfer Module, money transfer to name can be done in 7 days a week during the hours when the chain markets are open. Sending money to IBAN or credit card can be done until 16:30 on business days.

Money Transfer Examples

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